Friday, March 14, 2008

10 Reasons To Have Written Goals For Your Life!

Top 10 reasons to have written Goals for your Life!

This are the 10 reasons why you need to write your goals. By doing this you will certainly achieve your goals faster. Doing this has definitely help me in my two businesses and I would recommend everyone that wants to be successful at their jobs, with their family, at school, or just anything in life to write your goals so you can have success in anything that you do!

10. They strengthen your character by promoting a long term perspective.

9. They allow you to lead your life as opposed to simply manage it.

8. They provide internal, permanent and consistent motivation.

7. They help you stay focused to concentrate on what's important.

6. They enhance your decision making ability.

5. They require and build self-confidence.

4. They help you create your future in advance.

3. They help you control changes to adjust your sails to work with the wind rather that against it.

2. They sharpen your awareness for opportunities that are consistent with your goals.

1. The person you become as the result of the pursuit.

Creating a Dream Board is something that I have found very useful. A Dream Board is a place were you put together all your goals and dreams that you have for you and for your family. You can do it by cutting pictures out of magazines, pictures like your dream house, dream cars, vacation destinations, business goals, income goals, motivational phrases, family pictures, any anything that you can get that relates to your goals. Get them all together and glue them to a board or wall were you can look at them all the time. The most important part of it is to put your written goals in this board, read them every day so you can focus on them.

You will subconsciously start working towards achieving your written goals and towards obtaining everything that you put on your board. You might not receive it right away but you will definitely get it. This is called the law of attractions, I'm sure you have heard of it before from books like, Power of Your Subconscious Mind, The Law of Attraction, The Secret, Think Like a Winner and others. If you have not heard of this before I recommend you take the time to get these books and read them, they are great!

In summary, remember to write your goals in the present tense (I make..., I have...) this will help you visualize your goals as if you have already accomplished them. Also write them positively, time bound them, make them challenging but reasonable, specific and measurable, and make a thorough plan on how to get to your goals.

Link to Freedom

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